Monday, September 23, 2013

Summer Catch Up: La Duree Macaroons, Picnic/Nap in Central Park, Bronx Zoo and San Gennaro

Summer Catch Up for Gigi and Michelle’s Bucket List

Gigi and Michelle Wind Up on a Date – May 17th

Ever hear of UVA – great spot!  Correction – great date spot, wish we would’ve known.

The Friday started with crossing La Duree Macaroons off our bucket list.  Gigi and I each got 4 macaroons. 

Gigi – Lemon, Marie Antoinette, Pistachio, Rose Petal
Michelle – Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate, Hazelnut

Definitely different taste buds.

After taking an overload of pictures of the store like out-of-country tourists, we made our way towards dinner.  Unable to contain ourselves, we stopped mid-walk to dinner to taste test the little delicious colored treats.  Totally understandable. 

Gigi and I arrived at dinner at UVA and luckily didn’t have to wait for a table at this popular Friday night date spot.  Escorted straight to the back porch, a candlelit table awaited. 

1st course – Caprese Salad and Pizza Foccacia with artichokes and smoked mozzarella
Michelle’s Dinner: Cavatelli al pesto, fancy way of saying shells with pesto and ricotta
Gigi’s Dinner: Gnocchi with creamy black truffle and chive sauce
To finish it off we split sponge cake with nutella spirals with hazelnut ice cream and vanilla sauce.  Literally the best dessert we’ve ever had.

The most entertaining part of the whole experience was the awkward first date couple at the table next to us.  From the first date awkward silence to first date questions and even the fight over the check (where she wound up paying), we heard it all.  The restaurant was an absolutely do-again for us but I’m not too sure about them. 

Clearly not having had enough, a Duane Reade stop on the way to the movie theater for sour patch kids was necessary.  To end what one might call the perfect date as the highly functional friends, we happily watched Star Trek Into Darkness while finishing our La Duree Macaroons and sour patch kids.   The total experience was totally worth the 2 points!

Picnic/Nap in the Park – August 4th

If anyone knows Gigi, you know she has a nap obsession - from $20,000 napping pods to napping on a bench in a random park.  When she added this to our bucket list, I thought – I’m never going to do that.

 August 4th, my cousin Maggie planned a birthday picnic in central park.  A small get together and everyone brought a little something to eat and drink.  I brought Gigi.  I had gotten home that morning from one of my crazy Jersey Shore weeks and after a 3-hour nap, I dragged myself out of my dark cave room and to Central Park.  I proudly typed step-by-step directions for Gigi to find me, which Gigi did compliment me on!  After socializing and downing some hummus, crackers, banana bread and a ton of blueberry white chocolate chip cookies, I found myself exhausted on the blanket.  Next thing you know I was waking up – I must’ve dozed off.  Gigi got some shut eye too so we figured why not award ourselves 3 points for a nap and picnic in Central Park.  Happy Birthday Maggie!

Bronx Zoo – August 17th

When you’re all grown up, you can order whatever you want from the concession stand!

Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My!  This was one of those bucket list items that was added the day the plan was made – but rightly so since every New Yorker needs to go to the Bronx Zoo once and it was Gigi’s first time!

The day started with me proposing the idea and getting an immediate yes from Gigi.  We were to meet at the 149th street subway stop to transfer to the 2 train and naturally both running a little late, we got on the same time in the exact same car.  Since we also both forgot to look up the actual stop for the zoo we were grateful when the subway came above ground and we could use our technology again! 

Once we got off the subway it took us a good 10 minutes to figure out which direction the zoo was.  Finally in the zoo with our tickets, we spent a good amount of time looking at our maps so we can plan the most efficient route to walk – dorks I know.  First stop bison – real lively creatures.  Then we saw the sea lions that spend all their days swimming in circles.  We also went in the House of Reptiles and House of Monkeys.  After all that we were famished and had to get a funnel cake with ice cream and Reeses pieces.  This is where Gigi discovers “When you’re all grown up, you can order whatever you want from the concession stand!” 

We spent a good chunk of time after that watching the bears and polar bear, hoping polar bear Gus would do something exciting...

...but that didn’t happen.

The best animals at the zoo were at Tiger Mountain.  We watched the tigers fool the humans for 30 minutes.  Since there are two viewing windows the tigers would hang out on one side then all together walk in the back like they were going to the other side but instead they would hide and go back on the same side and all the humans would be gone thinking the tigers walked to the other window.  But those tigers didn’t trick us for long! 

Remembering how much fun the monorail was, I suggested waiting on the long line to go on.  Gigi realized it was called the monorail because it ran on one rail.  Go Geeg!  After waiting on line behind the most unattractive (sorry to be harsh) and weirdest group of friends, we made it on the monorail and got to see the elephants, rhinos, deer, hippos and other fun stuff.  By the time we got back, the park was about to close.  Being sneaky, Gigi and I decided to take a detour route to the exit only to discover all the animals were gone.  Where did the animals go?  To end the day, we went to an Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side and got delicious froyo.  Total of 5 points!

Last Minute San Gennaro

Another last minute bucket list addition but a requirement for anyone who loves food festivals.  Since we are just that good, we planned to meet on the last car of the N train at 49th street and it worked out perfect.  Getting distracted with Gigi’s shopping needs, we stopped at a few stores on the way to the festival.  When we made it to San Gennaro, I decided it was probably a good idea to snack on some spinach pie on the walk to dinner since we were so hungry.  Gigi, the Yelp Queen had to find the BEST restaurant to eat in Little Italy and Benito’s it was. 

Since Gigi planned on taking a four-month vacation from being a Vegetarian while in Paris for work (more on that later), we got a puff pastry calzone with sausage, peppers and cheese.  It was delicious but not as good as my chicken parm and Gigi’s Gnocchi.  Trying to walk off dinner, we searched for dessert and bought the “best cannolis” to eat later from Ferraras.  For our after dinner snack, we got Fried Oreos and Zeppolis.  Overall we gained great knowledge of the Italian culture, knowledge of the best Italian restaurant and cannolis and also a good 5 pounds each and 4 points each!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

#7 - Disney Movie Marathon

Yes, a Disney Movie Marathon. And how does this count as a NYC Bucket List Item, you ask? Because it is something Michelle and I wanted to do and we did it while in NYC. So 7 points, it is!

Our lineup of Disney classics.
Sleeping Beauty was the back-up.
Michelle, Aladdin excitement.
Dinner from Seamless: Butternut squash soup with
wild rice and apples. And many other things.

As we tucked ourselves away in Michelle's lovely NYC abode and warmed up our voices for an afternoon sing-along, we assembled our five favorite Disney classics: Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin, Cinderella, Peter Pan, and The Little Mermaid. Many things were learned from our afternoon of Disney fun: for example, we learned that you can still rent movies from movie stores and that children do indeed have sticky little fingers, (there is no other explanation as to why those DVDs required such cleaning).

Now, many of you have probably heard the Disney naysayers who worry about the negative effects these movies have on our youth. For example, take this article. Now, we understand the points, but let us not forget the many practical life lessons taught to us by these fine films! So here it is, folks, our list of Practical Life Lessons Learned from Disney Classics:

Beauty & the Beast

  • Don't trust men who carry bazookas. Even if they call you the most beautiful girl in town.
  • Read. Read all the time. You never know when a book is foreshadowing your future.
  • To make a point, throw your arms out and spin in a circle while singing. It really works!
  • Listen to your horse's sense of direction - the creepy forest path is not the way to the fair.
  • Wolves are not lovable dogs. You should avoid them when possible.
  • Saying, "I love you" can do magical things. Like get your castle remodeled.
  • Men must be taught things, like manners and controlling their temper. Bathing even.
  • Don't play on roofs. You could fall into a misty ravine. 


  • Never steal more than you can carry while running away from soldiers with swords.
  • Location, location, location when apartment hunting. Pick the view over having furniture.
  • Don't trust any advisors who feel the need to hypnotize you before giving advice.
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ever notice how many apples Aladdin eats?
  • Lying is bad. It leads to stress and angry princesses.
  • Careful what you wish for. You might end up in a lamp. With no view AND no furniture.
  • Do good for others: give bread to hungry kids, change unfair marriage laws, free genies.


  • You can always trust a mouse or bird in a hat and jacket.
  • Alarm clocks are irritating. Even Cinderella yells at the morning church bells.
  • Talent is required for musical prowess. Those stepsisters ain't ever gonna be good.
  • A sparkly dress is better than a non-sparkly dress.
  • Main characters wear flats. Supporting characters wear heels. Exception: royal balls.
  • Look lost when walking into a castle. A prince might come offer his assistance.
  • Always hide a spare key. For when evil stepmothers lock you in your room.
  • Dream big! You can achieve anything with ambition. And a fairy godmother never hurts.

Peter Pan

  • Thinking happy thoughts helps you fly.
  • Pirates are bad. There are no good pirates.
  • Boys who have avoided female guidance can be appropriately labeled, "Lost Boys."
  • Know how to swim. You never know when you'll be chased by a really fast crocodile.
  • Boys are not good at reading the signals of girls. Or fairies.
  • Always help your friends. Especially if they are Indian princesses kidnapped by pirates.
  • The universal signal for excitement is to throw your arms in the air and cheer.

The Little Mermaid

  • Careful when signing contracts. "For all eternity" is generally not a good thing.
  • It is not smiled upon to own large statues of yourself. Your friends will make fun you.
  • It is not smiled upon to own large statues of your secret lover. Parents don't like that.
  • Avoid owning large statues.
  • Break the rules every so often. You might end up being a princess of the sea AND land.
  • Everything is easier when you have a few friends, preferably small sidekicks, to help you.
  • Don't you dare let a sneaky brunette steal your man.

And now for our Disney Favorites:

Favorite Disney Princess: (G) Ariel (M) Jasmine
Favorite Disney Prince: (G) Prince Eric (M) Prince Eric
Favorite Sidekick: (G) Gus, Cinderella's mouse Mrs. Potts (M) Abu
Favorite Parental Figure: (G) King Triton (M) Sultan of Agrabah
Favorite Bad Guy: (G) Ursula (M) Ursula
Favorite Song: (G) Tale As Old As Time (M) A Whole New World
Favorite Kiss: (G) Beauty & The Beast (M) Aladdin
Favorite Disney Castle: (G) The Little Mermaid (M) Aladdin
Best Dressed Award: (G) Belle (M) Belle
Favorite Disney Movie: (G) The Little Mermaid (M) Beauty & The Beast

Tell us your favorites in the comments - feel free to pick from other Disney movies, too!

It's okay to grow up, but you can always be a kid at heart. 
(you'll have more adventures that way!)

Our parting gift to our lovely readers.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

#3-#6: Serendipity, Roosevelt Island, Dylan's Candy Bar, Lincoln Center

So as you can see Gigi and I aren’t the best bucket listers.  Let me rephrase that.. Gigi and I are very popular and have busy lives so we can’t be the most consistent bucket listers.  After a two month hiatus, on January 2nd I emailed Gigi and told her she had no choice but to reserve her whole Saturday, January 5th to me.  I gave her multiple bucket list activities to choose from and somehow our bucket list Saturday turned into the perfect, romantic NYC date day completing a total of 4 bucket list items!!

Starting out our date.. I mean day off at Serendipity for some lunch and gigantic dessert, Gigi and Michelle caught up on their holiday activities and everyday lives at work and such.  After our impatient waiter asked us three times if we were ready to order, Michelle ordered the typical burger and fries and Gigi ordered this amazing A Summer Bries smoked turkey, sliced apples, melted brie, served on raisin pumpernickel with Russian dressing, which was delicious.  Although we didn’t order the famous frozen hot chocolates, we got the Forbidden Broadway Sundae that had chocolate blackout cake, ice cream, hot fudge and whipped cream.  Bucket List item #1 complete!

After gaining 10 pounds each, the plan was to take the tram to Roosevelt Island, noting Dylan’s Candy Bar along the way saying we will have to stop there on the way back.  It was a beautiful day so the view from the tram was great with the sun shining through the tall buildings.  Once we landed on Roosevelt Island completing bucket list item #2, we figured we should walk around the Island before hopping back on the tram to the city.  Not knowing where to go, we followed the crowd of people down the path to the tip of the Island.  Taking pictures in front of the abandoned small pox center, the PepsiCo sign and the white structure on the tip of the Island was how we burned off the calories from that sundae.  

After landing back in the city, we headed straight to Dylan’s Candy Bar completing bucket list item #3.  The idea was to get some candy and go see a movie in the AMC theater visiting Lincoln Center which is bucket list item #4.  Gigi got a bag full of different flavored jelly beans and Michelle got a bag of gummy candies.  

 After that, we walked around Lincoln Center and Michelle got some coffee to rejuvenate, we got tickets to see This is 40 which was one of the many good movies playing.  While in the theater, Michelle thought Gigi was odd for not eating her candy until the movie started.  Michelle was finished with her candy before the previews ended.  After the long day in the city both girls were ready to crash and parted ways.

Gaining a total of 13 points towards our NYC bucket list, spending some much needed quality time together and having a wonderful New York City day of activities, January 5th was quite an accomplishment.