Saturday, February 2, 2013

#7 - Disney Movie Marathon

Yes, a Disney Movie Marathon. And how does this count as a NYC Bucket List Item, you ask? Because it is something Michelle and I wanted to do and we did it while in NYC. So 7 points, it is!

Our lineup of Disney classics.
Sleeping Beauty was the back-up.
Michelle, Aladdin excitement.
Dinner from Seamless: Butternut squash soup with
wild rice and apples. And many other things.

As we tucked ourselves away in Michelle's lovely NYC abode and warmed up our voices for an afternoon sing-along, we assembled our five favorite Disney classics: Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin, Cinderella, Peter Pan, and The Little Mermaid. Many things were learned from our afternoon of Disney fun: for example, we learned that you can still rent movies from movie stores and that children do indeed have sticky little fingers, (there is no other explanation as to why those DVDs required such cleaning).

Now, many of you have probably heard the Disney naysayers who worry about the negative effects these movies have on our youth. For example, take this article. Now, we understand the points, but let us not forget the many practical life lessons taught to us by these fine films! So here it is, folks, our list of Practical Life Lessons Learned from Disney Classics:

Beauty & the Beast

  • Don't trust men who carry bazookas. Even if they call you the most beautiful girl in town.
  • Read. Read all the time. You never know when a book is foreshadowing your future.
  • To make a point, throw your arms out and spin in a circle while singing. It really works!
  • Listen to your horse's sense of direction - the creepy forest path is not the way to the fair.
  • Wolves are not lovable dogs. You should avoid them when possible.
  • Saying, "I love you" can do magical things. Like get your castle remodeled.
  • Men must be taught things, like manners and controlling their temper. Bathing even.
  • Don't play on roofs. You could fall into a misty ravine. 


  • Never steal more than you can carry while running away from soldiers with swords.
  • Location, location, location when apartment hunting. Pick the view over having furniture.
  • Don't trust any advisors who feel the need to hypnotize you before giving advice.
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ever notice how many apples Aladdin eats?
  • Lying is bad. It leads to stress and angry princesses.
  • Careful what you wish for. You might end up in a lamp. With no view AND no furniture.
  • Do good for others: give bread to hungry kids, change unfair marriage laws, free genies.


  • You can always trust a mouse or bird in a hat and jacket.
  • Alarm clocks are irritating. Even Cinderella yells at the morning church bells.
  • Talent is required for musical prowess. Those stepsisters ain't ever gonna be good.
  • A sparkly dress is better than a non-sparkly dress.
  • Main characters wear flats. Supporting characters wear heels. Exception: royal balls.
  • Look lost when walking into a castle. A prince might come offer his assistance.
  • Always hide a spare key. For when evil stepmothers lock you in your room.
  • Dream big! You can achieve anything with ambition. And a fairy godmother never hurts.

Peter Pan

  • Thinking happy thoughts helps you fly.
  • Pirates are bad. There are no good pirates.
  • Boys who have avoided female guidance can be appropriately labeled, "Lost Boys."
  • Know how to swim. You never know when you'll be chased by a really fast crocodile.
  • Boys are not good at reading the signals of girls. Or fairies.
  • Always help your friends. Especially if they are Indian princesses kidnapped by pirates.
  • The universal signal for excitement is to throw your arms in the air and cheer.

The Little Mermaid

  • Careful when signing contracts. "For all eternity" is generally not a good thing.
  • It is not smiled upon to own large statues of yourself. Your friends will make fun you.
  • It is not smiled upon to own large statues of your secret lover. Parents don't like that.
  • Avoid owning large statues.
  • Break the rules every so often. You might end up being a princess of the sea AND land.
  • Everything is easier when you have a few friends, preferably small sidekicks, to help you.
  • Don't you dare let a sneaky brunette steal your man.

And now for our Disney Favorites:

Favorite Disney Princess: (G) Ariel (M) Jasmine
Favorite Disney Prince: (G) Prince Eric (M) Prince Eric
Favorite Sidekick: (G) Gus, Cinderella's mouse Mrs. Potts (M) Abu
Favorite Parental Figure: (G) King Triton (M) Sultan of Agrabah
Favorite Bad Guy: (G) Ursula (M) Ursula
Favorite Song: (G) Tale As Old As Time (M) A Whole New World
Favorite Kiss: (G) Beauty & The Beast (M) Aladdin
Favorite Disney Castle: (G) The Little Mermaid (M) Aladdin
Best Dressed Award: (G) Belle (M) Belle
Favorite Disney Movie: (G) The Little Mermaid (M) Beauty & The Beast

Tell us your favorites in the comments - feel free to pick from other Disney movies, too!

It's okay to grow up, but you can always be a kid at heart. 
(you'll have more adventures that way!)

Our parting gift to our lovely readers.


  1. Check out this picture Gigi's Mom was nice enough to share with me!!

  2. I'm disappointed that Mulan didn't make the list!!

  3. Pirates aren't all bad. I know a good one!!

  4. These blogs are always so entertaining!! My fav movie is Beauty and the Beast! Prince would prob be Eric, and princess - Belle! I'm surprised Lion King wasn't part of this marathon! This is Christina btw.
