Wednesday, October 31, 2012

#2 Star Wars Movie Marathon

Hurricane Sandy recently wreaked havoc on NYC. Roads became rivers, transportation ceased for more than 10 million people, and NYC became a ghost town as its residents fled to the safe confines of their homes or sought higher ground. Where were Michelle and I during this adventure-prone four days, you ask? Huddled in my bedroom, which resembled a Nestle-sponsored Bouncy Castle (see below). And what better item to cross off our NYC Bucket List? A Star Wars Movie Marathon!!

Day 1 - Sunday, October 28, 2012:
  • There's rumor of a hurricane. Having just watched a survivalist marathon on the Discovery Channel, Gigi heads to the grocery store to stock up on water and candles. She is troubled by the fact that there are only scented candles. The survivalists would not approve.
  • Gigi receives a groggy call from Michelle, who has just awoken to the chaos - "What's going on? Do I need to buy water? Should I not be here?!" Michelle's apartment is only a half block from an evacuation zone: "Is that good?" Michelle asks.
  • Michelle arrives at Gigi's apartment, dressed for an emergency:
  • Michelle speculates about the prevalence of beans during emergencies: "My roommate is eating beans. Everyone on Facebook has beans. TOO MANY BEANS." Gigi adds that she bought four cans of beans during her trip to the grocery store. Michelle refuses to participate in this bean nonsense.
  • Michelle and Gigi venture into the storm and buy enough food to last a month. Unless you count the tomato sauce on the pizza, none of it is nutritious.
  • All NYC public transportation is shut down at 7pm. Work is canceled tomorrow!
  • Completed:  
    • Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
    • Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Day 2 - Monday, October 29, 2012:
  • Michelle and Gigi start the day with Cinnamon Bun Pancakes (recipe below)! They are delicious and the breakfast of champions. Michelle learns how to drizzle glaze. 
  • Michelle mumbles to herself while washing dishes. Gigi threatens Michelle for not enunciating. It's time for fresh air.
  • Michelle and Gigi venture out into the horizontal rain to buy more food (the food that should have lasted a month lasted only a day). Within the first block, they encounter an umbrella that is missing its person. It is as if there is a hurricane about.
  • As they lie in their Bouncy Castle watching the tree across the street whip around in the wind, Michelle asks: "If that tree falls, do you think I could catch it?" "No." Gigi replies.
  • Michelle makes her first request for beer. Request denied.
  • Michelle and Gigi venture into the living room for a game of Life with Lauren. All three retire as millionaires. Sadly, Michelle and Gigi end up with children. The children are sent to the back row of the car.
  • Michelle notes that Jedi should have more than one light saber. Because Michelle had more than one light saber as a child. 
  • New Jersey loses power. Long Island loses power. Half of Manhattan loses power. Gigi worries that Astoria is now a shining beacon in the night for all the Manhattan zombies to find. Zombie defense plans are discussed.
  • NYC public transportation is underwater. Work is canceled for a second day!
  • Completed:  
    • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
    • Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Day 3 - Tuesday, October 30, 2012:
  • Michelle and Gigi wake up with severe aches and pains. Lying around on air mattresses for two days is hard work.
  • Michelle reports that she feels sickly. Gigi forces Cold-EEZE down Michelle 's throat: "We're not getting bagels until you finish your Cold-EEZE." Bagels prove to be an effective bribe.
  • The local news implies that Michelle is trapped indefinitely in Gigi's apartment. They ponder what their conversations will consist of a week from now.

  • Michelle begins to look and sound like Chewbacca. Gigi bears a striking resemblance to c3po.
  • Michelle and Gigi are relieved to see that Astoria's Christmas lights (hung on October 22nd, mind you) survived Hurricane Sandy.
  • Michelle and Gigi worry that they will never exercise again. Suggested solutions: 
    • Gigi: "We could do Tai Chi on the air mattress. It's like an exercise ball."
    • Michelle: "I'm going to do Crossfit because I want to be buff and sexy."
    • End result: Another bag of Life Savers is opened.
  • Michelle and Gigi amuse themselves by looking at fake pictures of Hurricane Sandy's destruction that have gone viral online. The below picture is fake, but there are so many terrible real pictures that it can be hard to tell.
  • Michelle starts getting antsy and Gigi suspects mutiny. Then Michelle has the inspired idea to go out for dinner and feels better after ordering.
  • Michelle and Gigi stop at the grocery store for ice cream. Gigi teaches Michelle the difference between sherbet and sorbet. Michelle replies: "I don't like kids like you. My brother was like you."
  • NYC public transportation is still underwater. Work is canceled for a third day!
  • The Star Wars Movie Marathon is COMPLETE!!
    • Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
    • Star Wars: Episode IV - Return of the Jedi
Day 4 - Wednesday, October 31, 2012:
  • Michelle and Gigi venture out for yet another bagel (that makes three in four days).
  • With buses and taxis officially running, Michelle makes a break for home.

Our thoughts are with all those affected by Hurricane Sandy! 
Take care and Happy Halloween!


We used our favorite boxed pancake mix. This was emergency conditions, after all.

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, just melted (not boiling)
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1 cup powdered sugar (sifted)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Add milk until desired consistency

Pour the pancake batter on the griddle as you would normally. Swirl some Cinnamon Filling onto the pancakes and flip when ready. Once cooked on both sides, drizzle (you can now ask Michelle how to do this...) the glaze over the top of the pancakes. Enjoy!


  1. Bucket List number 2 was quite adventurous! Who new so much discovery would be possible during a Star Wars Marathon. I do want to know, how did you like watching the movies? I have never seen them all. I stopped after Star Wars, which I saw when it come out! What is the difference between Sorbet and Sherbet? And what the heck is Gelato? Good catch on the fake pictures. When the Statue of Liberty came up in my Facebook, I went to the real webcam and reported it a fake. I was surprised that Michelle only had 3 bagels in 4 days. How much water did she drink? We are both water hogs. I was also surprised that no dots were mentioned. Hmmmm . Life savers?

    Well done ladies. I can not wait until the next installment.

    1. Yes definitely liked watching the movies and it was the perfect opportunity for us to do it, since the movies take a lot of concentration it was good for us to spread it out of a period of time. i have seen all the movies before but never all straight through.. the last star wars marathon i had was 2008 in australia and that was just the older movies. Couldn't remember key details so it was nice to have a refresher

      Sorbet apparently is fruit based and sherbet is cream based.. johnny liked sherbet.. gelato is creamy ice cream lol.. lots and lots of water.. dots were there but never broken into.. life saver gummies (dot like or more like gummy bears).. we failed on the next installment today by going for a 2 hour walk on the upper east side..

      Until the next time.. May the force be with you!

  2. This is great and makes me miss you both! My favorite line was the threat administered over Michelle's lack of enunciation. Cabin fever surely has strange effects. Those threats usually get issued in reverse order. I'm stunned you both didn't have sugar strokes, based on that tasty looking but overly sugary sounding recipe. Keep writing! CJ
